Monday, May 30, 2016

My experience with Residential School in Saskatchewan for 5 years, excluding the Sexual abuse.

I was forced to attend Prince Albert Indian Residential School in 1962-1967 not knowing why I had to be separated from my loved ones. I grew up wondering why. Many years later before I got the Compensation package I had found out it was as I regress was because Charles Davin (a Regina Editor) was commissioned by Sir John A. McDonald to find a low cost effective way to keep the Treaty promises that was needed to build the National Railway from "sea to shining sea". Mr. Davin had to find out about an Indian Program which he had heard about in the United States which was run by a Captain Richard Henry Pratt at Carlyle, Pennsylvania.
I have been to Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Florida with my family when I received Compensation & without any Aboriginal Healing Foundation assistance to heal my memories of "Kill the Indian Save the Man" by Richard Henry Pratt who bought 72 Prisoners of War from the Midwest plains wars especially Geronimo's family but he went to Fort Pickering approximately 62 miles away.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Arley McGillivray has made Cornwall Peewee Tier 2 Girls Hockey Team!

Asking for historians, family & friends to fulfill a McGillivray's Dream? Dad has made a GoFundMe site for her at Support My Hockey Girl Goalie, please donate, thank you!